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ardms abdomen liver 1편

by 요냥 저냥 2021. 5. 20.

liver [intraperitoneal organ]

anatomy and physiology of the liver

배아기 초, 간은 혈구생성을 한다.(in early embryonic life, the liver is responsible for hemopoiesis).

간의 기능

1.carbohydrate, fat(lipid),amino acid metabolism(,, 아미노산 대사)

2. removal of waste products(노폐물 제거)

3. vitamin and mineral storage 4. drug inactivation, detocxification

5. synthesis and secretion of bile(담즙 합성 및 분비)

6. blood reservoir 7. lymph production


the liver os also covered by glisson capsule, a thin fibrous casing.

it's composed of three main hepatic lobes

- RT lobe, LT lobe, caudate lobe


Portal triad = portal vein + bile duct + hepatic artery로 구성


lobes of the liver [기본적인 위치 영상공부하기!!]


: RUQ에 위치, RT hepatic vein에 의해 ANT/POST로 나뉨

* RT lobe / LT lobe

: middle hepatic vein, main lobar fissure, GB fossa에 의해 나뉨


2. LT lobe

: LT hepatic vein, ligamentum teres, falciform ligament에 의해 MEDIAL / LATERAL 로 나뉨

*MEDIAL LOBE(=quadrate lobe)

: GB fossa the round ligament 사이에 위치



thus the caudate lobe can be separated from the left lobe by the ligamentum venosum.[영상으로 꼭 공부해놓기!!]

*inter로 주행하는 것 : hepatic vein

intra로 주행 : portal vein


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출처 : 구글 이미지


출처 : 구글 이미지

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portal veins

main portal veinportal hepatis(=liver hilium)에서 간으로 들어감

P.V. = SMV(superior mesentric vein) + SV(splenic vein)

간문맥으로부터 위와 장에서 얻은 영양이 풍부한 정맥혈을 공급받습니다.

*간동맥으로부터 산소 함량이 높은 동맥혈을 공급

main portal vein right ant
left medal


the diameter of the main portal vein can vary with respiration,

although typically it measures less than 13mm in the AP dimension.

normal P.V. decrease in size as they approach the diaphragm.



their walls appear much brighter than those of the hepatic veins.

normal flow within the P.V. should be hepatopetal(blood flow toward the liver)

and monophasic(영상으로 공부해놓기)

with some variation noted with respiratory changes.



*hepatofugal (blood flow away from the liver)

SMV + SVIMV 의 결합은 췌장 목뒤, IVC 앞쪽에서 일어남

[이자 주변의 혈관 해붑학 꼭 영상으로 공부해놓기!!]


hepatic veins

unlike the portal veins, the hepatic veins increase in size as

they approach the diaphragm.


hepatic veins have a triphasic blood flow pattern secondary to

their association with the right atrium and atrial contraction.


enlargement of the hepatic vein and IVC is seen with right-sided heart failure

and occlusion or narrowing of the hepatic veins is seen with Budd-Chiari syndrime.


the portal hepatis(=portal hiliumM.P.V.+C.B.D.+H.A)

미키마우스 영상으로도 공부해놓기

the common hepatic artery carries oxygenated blood to the liver

form the abdominal aorta.

the normal low-resistance flow pattern

(a flow pattern that characteristically has antegrade flow throughout the cardiac cycle.)

of the hepatic artery can be noted with doppler imaging.



ligaments and fissures of the liver

the umbilical vein LT fibrous cord ligamentum ters or
round ligament
RT ductus venosus ligamentum venosum


anatomic variants of the liver

normal sign!! 병이 아니다.

1. a riedel lobe(간이 장골능까지 내려가 있는 경우)

: tonguelike extension of the right hepatic lobe.

: may extend inferiorly as far as the iliac crest.



* hepatomegaly 와의 차이점

: hepatomegalyleft lobe 까지 비대해짐

riedel lobeRt. lobe iliac crest까지 뻗어있음.

[ct영상, 초음파 영상으로도 공부해놓기]



2. papillary process (유두돌기)

:caudate lobe가 아래로 길게 뻗어있는 경우


책과 강의 등을 보며 내용 정리해놓은 것들입니다.


