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by 요냥 저냥 2021. 5. 17.

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 먼저 ARTIFACT에 대해 간단하게 정리를 하고 들어가도록 하겠습니다.


artifact explanation
(이방성, 비등방성)
occurs when the sound beam strikes a structure in a nonperpendicular manner, resulting in a loss of the true echogenicity of the structure.
ex) seen when imaging tendons.
comet tail a type of reverberation artifact caused by several small, highly reflective interfaces.
ex) seen with adenomyomatosis of the GB
dirty shadowing caused by air or bowel gas.
ex) most often seen emanating from bowel.
edge shadowing reflective or refractive effect seen deep to the margins of a round structure that have a significantly different speed of sound compared to surrounding tissue. may be termed refractive shadowing.
ex) often seen arising from cystic structures and appears as narrow shadow lines originating at the edge of these structures.
mirror image produced by a strong specular reflector and results in a copy of the anatomy being placed deeper than the correct location
ex) seen posterior to the liver and diaphragm
(acoustic) enhancement or through transmission
produced when the sound beam is barely attenuated through a fluid or a fluid-filled structure
ex) GB, and renal cysts, and with ascites.
refraction caused by the bending of the ultrasound beam when it passes through an interface between two tissues with vastly dissimilar speeds of sound and the angle of the approach is not perpendicular.
ex) seen rectus muscles of the abdominal wall
reverberation artifact caused by a large acoustic interface and subsequent interface and subsequent production of false echoes.
ex)seen echogenic region in the anterior aspect of the gb or other fluid filled structures.
ring down artifact artifact that appears as a solid streak or a chain of parallel bands radiating away from a structure
ex) gas bubble, pneumobilia
shadowing caused by attenuation of the sound beam
ex)bone and calculi like gallstone and renal stones.
side lobe caused by sound beams that are peripheral to the main sound beam
ex) low level echoes within fluid, mimicking slude, debris, or pus within a fluid-filled structure like the GB
twinkle artifact occurs behind strong, granular, and irregular surfaces like crystals, calculi, or calcifications
ex)small kidney or biliary stones.


the list of intraperitoneal organs

: GB, LIVER(except for the bare area),

OVARIES, SPLEEN(except for splenic hilum), STOMACH


the list of retroperitoneal organs

: abdominal lymph nodes, adrenal glands, aorta,

ascending and descending colon, duodenum, IVC, kidney, pancreas, prostate gland, ureters, urinary bladder, uterus



peritoneal cavity spaces location and significant points
subphrenic spaces inferior to the diaphragm
divided into RT and LT
subhepatic spaces divided into right(ant and post) and left
RT is located between the right lobe of the liver and right kidney
posterior right subhepatic space is also referred to as morrison pouch
left is located between the left lobe of liver and stomach
lesser sac between the stomach and pancreas
common location for pancreatic pseudocysts
paracolic gutters extend alongside the ascending and descending colon in both sides of the abdomen
posterior cul-de-sac male : between the urinary bladder and rectum ; also referred to as the rectovesical pouch
female : between the uterus and rectum; also referred to as the rectovesical pouch
retropubic space between the pubic bone and urinary bladder
also referred to as the space of retzius
anterior cul de sac between the urinary bladder and uterus
also called the vesicouterine pouch in females



잘 나타나는 양성 종양의 위치
adenoma most organs
adrenal rest tumor testicle
angiomyolipoma kidney
focal nodular hyperplasia liver
granuloma liver and spleen
gastrinoma pancreas
hamartoma kidney
hemangioma liver, spleen, and kidney
hematoma anywhere an organ/tissue is affected by trauma
insulinoma pancreas
lipoma liver, spleen kidney, and superficial
oncocytoma kidney
pheochromocytoma adrenal gland
teratoma testicle / ovary
urinoma adjacent to a kidney transplant
잘 나타나는 악성 종양의 위치
adenocarcinoma pancreas and gastrointestinal tract
angiosarcoma spleen
choriocaricinoma testicle
cholangiocarcinoma biliary tree
cystadnocarcinoma 췌장
embryonal cell carcinoma testicle
follicular carcinoma 갑상선
hypernephroma(renal cell carcinoma) 신장
leukemia 비장, , 고환
lymphoma 비장, 신장, 고환
medullary carcinoma 갑상선
papillary carcinoma 갑상선
seminoma 고환
transitional cell carcinoma 방광, 요관, 신장
yolk sac tumor 고환


pediatric malignant abdominal mass and location


1. hepatoblastoma : liver

2. nephroblastoma(=wilms tumor) : kidney

3. neurovlastoma : adrenal gland


[여기서 저는 wilms tumor가 일어나는 위치 문제 나왔었어요!]
