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초음파 자격증 ARDMS abdomen KIDNEY2편 ■ renal infection ■ 1. acute pyelonephritis[급성신우신염] this type of infection is referred to as an ascending infection the infection begins in the bladder and refluces up through the ureters and into the kidney. 임상적 증상 1. flank pain 2. bacteriuria 3. pyuria 4. leukocytosis 5. dysuria 6. urinary frequency 초음파적 증상 1. may appear normal 2. renal enlargement 3. focal areas of altered echotexture 4. comp.. 2021. 6. 5.
초음파 자격증 ARDMS ABDOMEN KIDNEY1편 the urinary tract[비뇨기계] 신장의 해부학 the most common location of an ectopic kidney is within the pelvis the functional unit of the kidney is the nephron. adult kidneys are bean-shaped organs that are retroperitoneal in location. the kidneys are made up of two parts; the renal parenchyma and the renal sinus. the parenchyma of the kidney consists of the renal medulla and renal cortex. the renal medulla.. 2021. 6. 3.
초음파 자격증 ARDMS ABDOMEN BILE DUCT 먼저 담즙의 흐름에 대해 알아보도록 합시다! liver → right or left hepatic duct → common hepatic duct → cystic duct → GB → common bile duct → ampulla of vater → sphincter of oddi → duodenum cystic duct 그림을 보면 살짝 구불구불한 모습일 있는데요 그 것을 the spiral valves of heister라고 부릅니다. *spiral valves of heister이란? are supported by underlying smooth muscle fibers. their function was to aid in the passage of bile to and from the GB, a.. 2021. 5. 27.
초음파 자격증 ARDMS ABDOMEN 1 SPI에 관한 내용부터 정리를 해서 올려드릴려고 했지만 시험을 위해 공부를 서둘러해야하기 때문에 공부도 할 겸 해서 ABDOMEN 부터 천천히 올리겠습니다. chapter 1 1. 용어 정리 1) anehoic(에코가 없다) 예시를 들면 simple cyst *simple cyst의 특징 --smooth walls or borders --round shape 2) complex (섞여 있다)의 뜻으로 cystic과 고체의 성질이 혼합?되어 있는 것 3) echogenic 4) heterogeneous (여러 다른 종류로 이루어진 것) 5) homogeneous (구성요소들의 균일하게 보이는 것) 6) hyperechoic (고에코) 7) hypoechoic (저에코) 8) isoechoic (밝기가 같은.. 2021. 5. 17.